Type A Top 5: Office

I generally hate working from home. I work best having a set environment that I associate with working separate from my living space. But, as we all know by now, 2020 had different plans. So, since my at home workspace has become some important, I really focused on making my at home workspace the best it could be.

Since the at home workspace has become such an important part of all of our lives, I wanted to share my top 5 office products that have helped me with my productivity. Each of these products has really helped with my productivity and has been a critical part of making my desk at home into a productive workspace.

1) Multi-color Pen

I remember when I was kid loving the pens that had like 10 colors that you could click between. I loved the options! While I may not have had much use for 10 colors while learning to write my name, I found that I loved to color code notes and my schedule as I got older.

That’s why when I found these pens my type A brain almost exploded! These pens make writing notes or lists or anything really a breeze. I can easily switch between colors and don’t have to worry about needing multiple pens out at once!

Also, a fun bonus to them is they also come in pastel colors, which is great for planners!

2) Desktop Organizer

Ok, so this may seem obvious, but I didn’t think it was important until after I purchased one. I thought that the drawer space of my desk was enough to hold everything. However, what I found was that I needed a place to put papers, pens, and post its that I used more frequently. Digging through the drawers got annoying.

Having a desktop organizer like the one above is great because it’s a clean way to store things that you use most frequently. I love being able to easily grab my most used pens and post it pads quickly without having to dig. The back larger compartment is also great for storing mail or important papers that require your immediate attention instead of just letting them pile up on your desk.

3) Ergonomic Keyboard

If you don’t have an ergonomic keyboard you are missing out. I didn’t start using one until way after I found out I had carpal tunnel in both hands, but now that I have one I can’t imagine not having one. Just typing on your laptop keyboard or even a regular keyboard can really injure your wrists and lead to carpal tunnel, I can speak from experience.

Switching to an ergonomic keyboard not only helps prevent carpal tunnel and other fun modern office ailments, it also just makes typing and doing things on your computer easier. It takes a little time to get used to, but after an hour you will feel so much more comfortable and you will find you can do more work on your computer without any pain or fatigue.

And let’s be real, since we all spend most of our days on our computers anything that can make it more comfortable is a huge help.

4) File Box

Yes, I know I am a millennial and I am supposed to get confused by paper documents, but no matter how hard I try I always manage to have some. And quite frankly, I love paper (I still use a paper planner) so I wanted a place where I could store and organize all of my important papers.

A small hanging file box is a great alternative to having to buy a filing cabinet. Having a place to keep important documents organized so you can find them when you need them is so much better than digging through piles or drawers. And, there are a lot of cute options out there so you can find a box that goes with your décor so it’s not only functional, it’s also beautiful.  

5) Lined post it notes

This is one of my favorite office products of all time. A while back, I was at target and was looking at the post it notes section since I have a slight obsession with them and I saw larger sticky notes that were lined. Those came home with me that day and have been a staple of my desk ever since.

These pads are a great replacement for a random notepad. The lines make them great for jotting down notes or to do list, and the sticky aspect means you can put them wherever. If I have an important task to remember, I like to stick it on my monitor so it’s always in my sight. Or, if I make a shopping list, I can stick it to my phone so I don’t forget it when I leave the house.

Being able to position my notes in places where they are needed has been really groundbreaking and has helped me not forget important things that if they were just jotted onto a pad I would have most likely forgotten.

Each of these items have really improved my productivity overall in small ways. Having a simple, organized workspace has made the shift to working at home easier and in turn has it so I get just as much done at home as I would if I were going into an office. These are products that I swear by, so I hope you find them helpful and that they help with your new work from home world.

Do you have any office products you swear by? Let me know in the comments!

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