Morning Routine of a Type A Person

I have a confession, I am not a morning person. While I do feel more productive when I wake up earlier, I hate getting out of bed. I did such a great job of making it cozy, why would I leave? But, I am also Type A, so I am CONSTANTLY thinking about stuff that I have to get done, which is not relaxing and really its stressful. So, one thing I have been trying and has been working for me to help get me out of bed and start my day productively is having a morning routine. 

Over the past few months, my routine has consisted of three components: Gratitude, Breathe, and Exercise.


One of the first things I like to do in the morning is take some time and write down at least one thing I am grateful for. This will help you start out your day on a positive note by pointing out something good in your life. I usually like to think about the day before as a starting point for coming up with my item.

For example, the other day was my grandpa’s 93rd birthday, so we got together in our backyard(6 feet apart) to celebrate. So today, I put down that I am grateful for my grandparents.


The next thing I like to do in the morning is take some time to do a few calming breathing exercises. You can find these all over the internet and youtube, but even just taking 5 deep breaths and focusing only on that will help calm your mind. Personally, my mind is always racing and making lists, so doing this helps me refocus on the bigger picture and help me think about the larger picture. 

This can help you not reorganize your hair ties or some other small task when you really need to focus on project at work. Especially now that we are all working from home, we have all done something like this.


Ok, so this one is the hardest for me. But, I love to do a 30 minute workout in the morning to help me wake up and get motivated for the day. There is something so nice about accomplishing one thing and the momentum it provides for the rest of the day. There are a ton of workouts out there, so look around and find ones that you like.

I can’t stand yoga since I am not flexible at all and find it slow at times, so I prefer a HIIT or Cardio Barre session, but explore to find what suits you! My favorite resources are Obe fitness (which does cost money), blogilotes YouTube workouts(she also has programs you can follow!), or a nice neighborhood walk.

I always feel so great after I do these things in the morning. I have truly found that it has helped not only start my day on the right foot, but having this structure has also helped me stay productive and focused the rest of the day!

Do you have a morning routine? Let me know what you do in the comments

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