3 Things I Learned From Get Organized with The Home Edit

The last few weeks felt like Christmas for me. Really, it was that way for any other type A people as well. The Home Edit’s new show finally dropped on Netflix! It is so inspiring and provides not only great tips for organizing any space, but also a peak into the closets of some celebrities.

And now that it has been out for a week, and I have watched it twice, there are a few things that I have taken away specifically from the show that are valuable reminders for everyone.

1. Clear Storage Keeps You Accountable

While watching Clea and Joanna take on Rachel Zoe’s closet, I thought the main thing I would be interested in was Rachel’s clothes. They were gorgeous, but what I found myself more focused on where the new bins that the girls were using. They noticed that the solid bins that they had put in place before were not working. The items that they had put into those bins were not being used, and thus the system was breaking down.

Clear bins came up many other times in the series, and it really opened my eyes to the practicality of an organized space. Yes, it can look pretty, but having solid wood bins can mean that your system won’t work. Clear bins help you see what is in them so you it’s easier for you to put things back away where they belong or see what you actually have.     

2) It’s a SYSTEM!

One thing that the ladies always do before they start any of the projects on the show is they start by asking the owners of the space a ton of questions. These conversations are not super interesting to watch at least initially, until you see how the ladies take that information and put it into the systems that they create. It was frustrating at first since I really wanted to see the pretty spaces, but it made the end product so much more interesting.

This is a good remind that while we all want the end goal of creating a beautifully organized space, the beginning steps are critical to creating a functional space that will actually work in the long term. While it’s really tempting to start putting things in bins and making it look good for Instagram, taking time to do the proper prep will let you create a system that works! This is always a good reminder since I am also guilty of wanting to jump to the end at times.

3) Organization is a form of self care

I think my favorite episode of the series is the third episode. Yes, I loved seeing Khloe Kardashian’s garage and all of her backstock (love a good backstock), but it was the “normal” person’s space. The ladies went in and organized and overhauled a woman’s bedroom. The rest of her apartment was well maintained and decorated, but when it came to her bedroom the space was disorganized and did not really fit her new life. After the transformation was done, the women of course was really happy, and the organization systems were great, but I could really tell that they space was now one that resonated with her.

I really related to this, given that I had recently moved to my parents. At first, I thought of my space as a temporary space. I knew that I wouldn’t be here forever, so why take the time to put a system in place. But, as time went on, I found my space to be draining. I finally took the time to organize it, and felt so much better. And now, I think of keeping the systems in place as form of self-care.

Now, I have only watched the series twice, so this list may grow over time. There are so many things to be inspired by in this series. It’s a great place to start to understand the process of organizing and get some amazing inspiration for your next project!

Have you watched the series yet? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments below!

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