Job Hunting Tips During COVID

We are living in a very strange time. In a few months, the world changed and with that came changes to the job market.  The job market is the worst it has been in a decade, and it has affected so many people who are now looking for work. Myself included!

So, in typical Type A fashion I set out a plan of attack for getting a new job. I have found this to be really helpful as I go through the job recruitment process, so I wanted to share some tips on how to get up a plan for your own job hunt.

Where to Find Jobs

Where to Find Jobs

Now a days, there are so many different places to find job postings. This is a great opportunity for any job seeker! So, instead of getting overwhelmed with all of the options, I wanted to provide you with a few great options.

Linkedin: If you don’t have a linkedin account, stop reading now and go create one. Linkedin is a great tool for recruiting and networking. It has also become a really popular place for employers to post their job openings. Use the job page to search for jobs that you are interested in, and then Linkedin will send you daily email updates with new positions that are similar to what you searched.

Indeed: Indeed is another great job board site. What I really like about this site compared to others is that it really uses technology to match your resume and skills to positions. Is it annoying that you have to enter in your resume in detail, yes. But the results are very accurate and I have found a lot of interesting roles through this site.

Industry specific sites: I am going to use the fashion and retail industry as an example since that’s what I know, but this can be done for any industry with research. Industry specific sites are a great place to look for jobs in your industry of choice. For example I am going on the job board of The Business of Fashion for roles that may interest me.

Company Sites: Do you have a specific company in mind that you are dying to work at? Then one of the best places to find job postings are on their own sites! Check the bottom of pages to see if there is a career or work with us button. You can also google the company’s’ name and careers and it should pop up.

Application Tips

Finding a job is one thing, but after you find a job you are interested in, it time to make your application really stand out. Right now, there are hundreds of people applying for each role, so taking a little extra time and making sure yours is the best it can be can really help get yours to the top of the pile.

Review the Job Posting: I always start any job application by first going over the job posting in detail. I do this to pull out any key words that I see in the posting. Then, I try and adjust my resume and cover letter to include those key words. It’s also a good opportunity to read the tasks and duties and think about your experience, and make sure that any relevant things are on you resume.

Apply Early: Now I’m not sure this really matters, but it always makes me feel better. I like to apply to jobs as soon as I can. I am the person that likes to be 10 minutes early to everything, but the way I think about it is getting an application in early just means it one of the first ones to be reviewed. It helps lower my anxiety towards applying for positions. But, if the job posting is still up and has been for a while, still apply for the role!

Network: I know, I hate it too. The idea of forcing conversations makes my skin crawl. But, in this time, having someone at the company refer you for a position gives you a big advantage. My main tip here is to not just reach out to someone for a referral. Networking is building connections, so take some time to reach out to people who went to the same school as you or someone you have a connection in common with earlier and have an introduction/informational talk with them prior to the referral ask.

Staying Motivated

The hardest part of job hunting right now, at least for me, is staying motivated. I am not going to lie, I have applied for over 200 roles at this point over the last 6 months, with only a few next steps taken. But, if you can be consistent and put in the work, that is how you will end up getting a role that you are happy with. So, here are a few of my tips to help you stay motivated.

Treat it like a Job: Have you ever heard of someone saying finding a new job is like a full time job? Well, that’s even more the case now. Finding my next role is one of my top priorities right now, so I make sure to set time aside each day to work towards it. Whether that is looking on job boards and applying for roles or reaching out to my network to connect.  I find that setting a time that you work on job hunting each day helps you stay on track and keep working on it.

Set Small Goals: Yes, the end goal is getting a job, but that’s the end of the process. So, if you wait for that its super easy to get frustrated and demotivated along the way. Instead, I like to set daily or weekly goals. For example, I want to apply for 3 jobs today, or reach out to 3 people to talk with. Then, take a breath at the end of whatever period you set and celebrate achieving that goal. Whether that is watching an episode of your favorite show or listening to a podcast, this will help keep you positive as you go through the job hunt. And one day, you will be able to celebrate achieving that larger goal!

 I know it’s tough right now for those of us looking for new jobs. It just adds another layer of stress on top of an already stressful time in the world. But, if you work consistently at it will pay off in the end. I also like to remind myself that it’s the worst job market in a decade, so its not just me that’s in this boat. So just trust the process and keep working at it!

What is your best job hunt tip?

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