Here we go again! As I am spending more time at my parents’ house, I noticed that there was one space that continued to be a pain point for my mom, her linen closet. This was where things like vases and placemats were kept, so it was constantly being opened and each time, things would fall out. So, I finally had enough and decided it was time to redo it.
Unlike other spaces I have done in the past, the focus of doing a highly used but not visible space is to optimize efficiency. So there is less need for pretty bins and more on ones that will get the job done. There are also a few unique things to consider when doing these type of spaces, so below I have provided some tips to help you make these spaces work best for you!
Pair Like Items
As I have said many times in my other organization posts, the first step to tackling any space is to first take everything out and edit what you have. This helps you really see what was taking up all that space and allows you to really separate what you have into like items.
I started doing this with the closet, but I found that I was having lots of little piles and categories. Ruh Roh. I had a few Halloween decorations and a few fourth of July flags, and each of these were not big enough to fill a bin or worth dedicating a set area to.
So I thought more about how the items were used and sorted the items by this. All of the decorations were sorted into holiday décor and that got its own bin in the closet. Another category that I created was table décor. My mom had lots of candles, holder, and votives. I know that she only uses these items when she is having a party, so I put them all together and labeled that bin table décor so it would be easy for her to find.
Most Used Items First
There were many issues with this closet, but one of the main ones was that things were just randomly put away on the shelves. So if we were setting up for a dinner party, candle holders would be on the top shelf, placemats were towards the bottom and candles were in the back of another shelf. And good luck finding any napkin rings if you wanted some. I knew as I went to tackle this space this was a major thing I had to solve.
This is something to keep in mind with every space. The rule I like to follow is that things that you use more often should be easier to get. *In my best Mirand Priestly voice* Groundbreaking.
For this closet, I knew that my mom is consistently looking for vases, gifts and dinner party items most often. So, I made sure that these items were at eye level so they would not only be easy to find, but also be easy to grab. Then, as you go down the shelves, you get to items that are used less and less.
Now, its super easy to quickly grab items that we use frequently rather than having to dig for them!
Clearly Label Everything!
And now for the part that is every OCD Type A persons favorite, labeling. I love a good label, as I am sure you can tell by looking at my bathroom organization. Labels may not always be needed, but in this closet since everything was going into bins, I wanted to make sure it would be easy for someone to look at the bin and know what was in it.
There are two ways to approach labeling. The first is to label with the general category. This is great if you are the main one using the space and know what everything is. The second is to label stating what all of the contents are. This is generally the method I like to use if it’s in a space that many people are using and you want to make sure everyone know where everything is. So, I used the second way in this closet. Now, its super easy to see what each bind holds, so anyone can go in and find anything!
One tip for labeling is to consider what type of label to use for the space. There are so many pretty labels out there, but they can also be pricy. If you are organizing a space that is not super visible, save some money and use an at home label maker. Saves time and money, and does the same thing at the end of the day!
Organizing every space can be fun, even just a linen closet! While I approach all spaces the same, one critical thing to consider each time are the unique uses and issues of each space. I know I always love the super pretty organized space photos, and I am not going to lie I really struggled with prioritizing spaces like a linen closet since I couldn’t justify spending the time to make super pretty if no one was going to see it.
So, if you feel like that, I hope that these tips will help you think about how to organize a more utilitarian space. I know that these things really helped me shift my mindset and provide you with the tools you need to tackle your space. So what are you waiting for? GO ORGANIZE!
What space should I tackle next?