How to Type A Your Bathroom

Everyone has that one space that they look at and just stress about. For me, that was my bathroom vanity. There was something about having my lipsticks, cups, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. on the counter and in drawers throughout that only irritates my Type A-ness even more.  So, I decided I was going to change this space and make it somewhere that I loved. 

In order to transform this space, I did the following:

1) Take Everything Out. Yes, really everything

I saw lots of organizers doing this and would get super stressed as I saw them do this because it just seemed like such a mess! Isn’t the point of this exercise to clean up, why would I make a mess first? But, it really helped me understand everything I had, and allowed me to go through and throw out a lot of things.

This step was especially eye opening when I went to look through my skincare and facemasks. Over the past year, I have really grown to love and explore more within skincare, and always felt like I never had enough.  But, if you look at the above picture, I had just enough facemasks to let me do one daily for a year and even then, I may not have run out. So, farewell sheet masks! (my friends especially loved this purge, you get a mask, you get a mask!)

2) Measure your space!

After you take everything out, measure your space. And not only measure your space, write it down in a place that you can look at in the future! If you want to be ultra Type A like me, measure your space before you move in.  I kept my measurements in the notes app on my phone, and then I had them on me whenever I was looking at products to put into the space.

During this time, also think about how you would like to use the space. Are there specific drawers that you gravitate more for makeup vs skincare? Do you have a lot of a certain product that will require more space than others? Having a plan of what you want to go where will help when you are looking for the right products for your space.

For me, I knew that I wanted my makeup to be easily accessible since I am usually running out the door in the morning on my way to work since I overslept. Oops! So, I set the smaller top drawers aside for makeup. Then, I knew I had a lot of skincare and masks (see above picture) so I knew that would need more space, but it’s still something I use daily so I didn’t want it pushed away in the back, so it got its own drawer.

3) Find the perfect storage solutions

Now comes the fun part! Or at least fun for my Type A personality. This is when you get to search the internet and stores to find the best containers for your space and your needs. While it can be tempting to just run to the container store and buy a ton of expensive specific use things, take a minute and do your research. Finding the right products that will make your space the best use for you rather than what you can find the quickest is the key for maintaining a space in the long term.  I think it took me over 3 months to find the right products for my space, and now I love it.

You also don’t have to buy the most expensive things out there. Amazon has a bunch of great products that come in at a better cost that do very similar things to what some of the more expensive products do. Organizing and being Type A in your space doesn’t have to break the bank!

Let’s take my countertop storage for example. I was searching for something that would look good on my counter that I could store my lipsticks in that was acrylic. I found the look of a bunch of different lipsticks on my counter messy. So, I searched, considered $80 lacquer boxes, but then I found this set of drawers on amazon for XX! Its clean, hides away the lipsticks, and hold my brushes all in one unit!

4) Clean and put the space back together again

Now is the fun part. Or at least fun for the Type A people out there! Putting it all together. Start by cleaning out the space so that you are starting with a fresh canvas. It is a great feeling, trust me.

Next, go drawer by drawer and finalize what you want each to look like. I played around a lot with what I put into each drawer/space, and sometimes it changed based the containers I found. For my mask/skincare drawer for example, I knew The Home Edit containers I bought would fit perfectly and I could stack them, but I still had to play around to determine what went into each bin. I used the ones that were below to store backstock and masks that I don’t use as often, and then used the ones on the top layer to organize products I use more on a daily basis. I ended up having one for exfoliation and moisturizing, one for masks I use frequently, and another to hold eye treatments and a few other larger items.

I also did a few edits on my undersink area. I found these drawers on amazon that I knew I could stack a few on top of each other to give me great storage. I also cleared out to the other side and I now had an area to put my styling tools and hair products away and out of sight! Before they were literally in a basket by the drawers because I had no space. Not ideal at all!

5) Finalize everything and love it!

After I had it all planned out, I wanted to make sure it all stayed put. There is nothing more annoying then opening a drawer and having your organizer fly to the front and move around, messing up the products it was holding! So, I used museum gel to stick my organizers in place, and the best part is its not permanent, so I can move them around or take them out easily if I want to change things around.

Take some time, and put everything away in its spot. I set out at two hours to do this. I know, that seems like overkill, but after taking the time to do that, I know where everything’s spot is! So if I want to grab a nail polish, travel shampoo or a lipstick I know exactly where it lives.  And, this makes clean up super easy as well!

And now, after all of these steps and taking the time to really make my space work for me, I love my bathroom! I walk in and feel calm, don’t see clutter or things on my counter and I know where everything is. It may seem like this process is too long, but it wasn’t until I took the time to do it this way did I really find a system that kept me organized for an extended period of time!

What space should I Type A next? Let me know which ones you all need help with most in the comments!

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